A puppy in an animal shelter has won a new owner with a desperate'self appeal'.

On the 30th of last month in local time, the online media Board Panda introduced a video of a puppy who doesn't let go of a male journalist who came to report.

In the video, the puppy lifts his paws and leans against the leg of the reporter. I feel the touch of the reporter's stroking hands, but I dig deeper into my arms and show no signs of falling.

The puppy was reportedly approached by a reporter who was covering, and was reportedly hugged. They met for the first time on this day, and there was a snack in the reporter's hand, or the reporter didn't call the puppy first, but he did this.
According to the media, the reporter, who had no idea what to do, decided to adopt it because his heart was melted in the dog's despair. He met his puppy for the first time, but through strong sympathy, he believed that there was clearly a bond of fate between the two.

The netizens who watched the video responded, "There are a lot of puppies in the shelter. Still, I decided to adopt them, so please take responsibility and raise them well."

This is'News Pick'.

(Source ='Manikandan S'YouTube)