The rules are simple, it is important to find as many yellow cars on the road as possible. Whoever first sees a yellow car calls out "yellow car" and gets a point - most points win.

Fewer yellow cars

But the game has become more difficult over time. According to the Swedish Transport Agency, in June 2020 there were just over 42,000 yellow - yellow or light - yellow passenger cars in traffic in Sweden. It can be compared to just under 60,000 yellow cars in the summer of 2014

This means that approximately one hundred and twenty-one cars, or 0.85 per cent, of Sweden's passenger car park right now is yellow.

- What we can see is that the number of yellow cars is going down. It is a color that is currently a bit out. So playing and coming up in a certain number can take a little longer, says Mikael Andersson, Press Manager at the Swedish Transport Agency.

The largest proportion of yellow cars is found in Gotland (1.47 percent), followed by Dalarna County (1.14 percent) and Jämtland County (1.10 percent). The lowest proportion is in Stockholm County (0.62 percent).

Black, white and gray

The most common colors for newly registered cars in Sweden are black, white or gray - where the increase in white cars is significant.

Does the choice of color of the car say something about the owner?

- We have looked at colors on newly registered cars and where the trend points towards more anonymous colors. These colorful options are getting smaller. Yellow is perhaps an expression of one's desire to stand out, if I should speculate, says Mikael Andersson - who drives a gray car himself.

But Mikael Andersson still wants to make a more serious contribution to all yellow car drivers - from a road safety perspective.

- The important thing is that the driver does not participate in the game but concentrates on the road.