Thursday, in Without appointment, the sexologist Catherine Blanc answered the question of Geoffrey, who wonders if his heightened libido of the moment is related to the summer season.

In summer, the bodies are stripped and the spirits tend to free themselves. Geoffrey, a 32-year-old listener, is experiencing it right now, through overflowing sexual activity with his friend. But he wonders if this heightened libido is linked, or not, to the arrival of heat and summer. Sexologist and psychoanalyst Catherine Blanc replied on Wednesday in "Without an appointment."

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The question of Geoffrey, 32 years old

I feel like with my girlfriend we are making a lot more love right now. Is it related to heat or summer?

Catherine Blanc's response

"We are not linked to the seasons for making love, unlike other species. Sexuality for reproductive purpose occurs over certain periods in many animals. We, we can make love all the time and with a lot But if the summer is more favorable, it is not for physiological reasons. In summer, we are more undressed, therefore more in tune with our body. There are not tons of layers of clothes for example. It's easier to have contact with your skin, with the air, with the sun which makes it have a special smell. In winter, you can be more in denial of this body than you leaves to coat.

Men can be exhilarated by skirts, but can women be aroused at the sight of men's arms? One has the impression that it is often in one direction only.

The first thing that is very exciting for a woman is to be exciting for men. Because it is hot, they have another way of understanding their outfit, so they are available and feel the echo in men. Feeling this power that is theirs will participate in their look at man and sexuality. But obviously a man is very attractive in a suit and tie. The interest of the clothes is to be able to take them off and to strip them like an onion is stripped.

The sun acts on our mood and makes us more relaxed, right?

Yes quite. We are also more lascivious, we will lower our heads less to flee the other. In summer, contacts are made and we see a little more bodies and skins. Just because there is a bounced muscle doesn't mean it will be exciting. What is delicious for women is to imagine what they do not see. It is not because it will be seen that it is sexy, it is not because we are in shorts that it would be sexier, unless we wear it well.

For singles it is also a time when we go out more and which is conducive to social life ...

Yes we go out more and we have more time, the days are longer. We can invite ourselves to drink a coffee on the terrace, it's a moment when we can write a story. There is softness and lightness, while in winter we are in confrontation with the harshness of life and rhythm. Summer is much better, but we are operational all year round. "