As part of the review of the bioethics bill, which opens medically assisted procreation to all women, MEPs voted in committee on Wednesday to remove all discrimination against homosexuals who donate blood. The requested abstinence period was lowered to four months in April.

The deputies voted Wednesday in committee the abolition of any discrimination towards homosexuals who donate blood, within the framework of the examination of the bill of bioethics. "The criteria for selecting the donor cannot be based on the sex of the partner or partners with whom he would have had sexual relations", registered the deputies via an amendment by co-rapporteur Hervé Saulignac (PS), co-signed by a hundred 'elected mainly from the left.

A period of abstinence reduced to four months in April

"Proud to have co-signed and immediately voted in a special bioethics committee Hervé Saulignac's amendment aimed at eliminating the period of sexual abstinence imposed on homosexuals and bisexuals for the donation of blood", welcomed Matthieu in particular Orphan (EDS group) on Twitter.

The year-long abstinence period for homosexuals to donate was reduced to 4 months last April. The Ministry of Health had presented the reduction of this period as "a first step" towards an alignment of the conditions of the donation for homosexuals with those of heterosexuals, envisaged "by 2022".

Hervé Saulignac wished to register more quickly "in the marble of the law the suppression of this discrimination", according to a press release.

Text opens PMA to all women

The special committee responsible for examining the bioethics bill has been examining this text since Monday for a second reading, which opens the PMA (medically assisted procreation) to all women. MPs reinstate their version of the bill that had been amended by the Senate. They also adopted a MoDem amendment authorizing the donation of gametes directed between two women within the same couple, if one of them suffers from infertility. 

After a long debate, they voted an amendment by Hervé Saulignac providing in case of PMA that matching (search for a donor with similar characteristics) is only possible with the agreement of the recipient couple or the recipient woman.

By an LREM amendment, MEPs also noted that parents "are encouraged to anticipate and create the conditions which will allow them to inform the child, before he reaches the age of majority, of what has come from a gift".