The report is a compilation of research and other knowledge on the subject.

Over the past ten years, the number of activities within the white power environment has increased. Nearly 25 municipalities are estimated to have had a particularly high degree of presence from the environment during the period 2008–2018. Several of these municipalities belong to the same county, and several are municipalities in neighboring counties.

The areas that stand out are Värmland, Dalarna, Stockholm, northern Skåne, Vänersborg, Trollhättan, Uddevalla and parts of Småland. The Nordic Resistance Movement (NMR) is responsible for the largest number of activities.

Want to abolish democracy

Right-wing extremism can be described as an umbrella term that includes different movements and environments. White power is one of these. In the future, CVE will publish similar knowledge material even about other violent extremist environments in Sweden.

The general aim of the white power environment is to abolish the current democratic state and replace it with an authoritarian government power, which is to establish an ethnically and culturally homogeneous society.

Identifies violence and threats

The environment is characterized by anti-Semitic notions of a Jewish conspiracy that is considered to threaten "the white race". Within the environment different types of symbols are used and therefore the report includes a symbol lexicon.

- White power has a long tradition in Sweden and still forms a large part of the Swedish right-wing extremist movement and therefore deserves special attention. These are different racial ideological groups that see violence, threats, harm and other crimes as legitimate tools in their struggle to change the democratic state in the long term, says Jonas Trolle, director of CVE.