Despite his global reputation, CBT does not find much interest among Arab readers, perhaps because it is essentially a type of treatment, and therefore it will be necessary for patients only to recognize it, and one of them may be afraid to show interest in him so people think he is a psychopath. Unfortunately, that is a disgrace in our societies.

But if you meditate a little, you will find that CBT is more than just a treatment, but rather the closest it is to a mechanism, empirically supported and not a false science, that can improve our lives, based on a very ancient philosophy that says by Stoic Epictetus: "Everything that happens to people from An excitement is not caused by things but rather by their thinking about things. "That is why we decided in the scientific section" Meydan "to present to you a set of books that can help you understand this school of psychological sciences.

As usual, the book adopts several basic conditions, including the simplicity of the explanation and its relevance to a general reader in most books, as well as availability so that you can find the book easily with a short search on the web, and finally that some of them contain practical exercises that you can perform in cases of anxiety or frustration, or Anger or distress, and that others offer treatment plans, mechanisms, and treatment sessions, so that you can advance in this scope.

Now, let's go from the long introductions, and let's start with the book "Ideas and feelings: controlling your moods and your life" written by Matthew MacKay, Martha Davies and Patrick Fanning. This book appeared in the eighties of the last century and still has a lot of interest among readers, and the reason for that The book is for the general public and not for professionals, and it offers treatment programs that you can implement yourself simply.

The book begins with a simplified plan that you can follow according to your situation, whether you are worried, for example, angry, or afraid of something, but all plans start from the second chapter usually, which talks about the concept of spontaneous ideas and fundamental beliefs, which are basic topics in this scope, then it moves to How to change the pattern of limited thinking, then the book branched into some techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy such as dealing with haunting ideas and relaxation exercises, immersion and imaginary conditioning and exposure to stimulation, etc., and all revolve around the scheme of the first chapter.

Besides his simplicity, the most important thing in the book is the many tables, plans and practical examples. This gives his article an interesting and practical nature and involves you in applying the mechanisms of behavioral therapy, but in all cases he treated the book as a guide, meaning that the failure of one of the plans mentioned in it does not mean that it - In itself - unsuccessful, but all there is to it are mainly techniques practiced by specialists, but you can benefit from them strongly.

In the same context, and we mean here simplified books, which mainly depend on clarifying CBT in the form of clear quick points with many practical examples and training plans, we can put a book recently published by the Anglo-Egyptian Library, which is "CBT .. 100 points Essential and Technic ", the book was written by Michael Nina and Wendy Ryden.

The book is primarily intended for beginners trainees to be psychotherapists, but it will nonetheless help you understand many aspects of CBT, especially those that have received significant empirical support during the past few decades, and with good translation the book will undoubtedly be a good opportunity to learn about CBT.

The book is divided into three parts, the first introduces you to the theory of this treatment method in 11 points, then in an equal number of points introduces you to the most important mistakes in understanding CBT, which are - as we believe - the most important points of this book in its simplicity, then the book begins to present Training techniques to discover and respond to spontaneous thoughts and core beliefs, as well as homework and how to change them.

Very beautiful, on that point, let us move on to a more authoritative and detailed book by an Arab author known for his rich writing in this field and he was among the first to care about cognitive behavioral therapy, which is Dr. Abdul Sattar Ibrahim, who holds a doctorate in psychology from Cairo University in 1957, and the book It is "modern behavioral cognitive therapy .. methods and fields of application", and its fifth edition was issued by the Egyptian General Book Authority in 2011.

The book is creamy and comes in about 450 pages, but it has a smooth style, and is provided to a wide range of readers, mainly specialists and students, but it is intended for the general reader as well, as it begins with two introductory chapters related to the meaning of mental disorder and the history of psychotherapy in general, then after preparing the atmosphere Then, you will get acquainted with modern psychiatric schools, then focus on CBT itself.

At that point, theorization ends and the author begins with detailed explanations of the most important techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy, such as stepwise treatment, relaxation, or support, or the foundations of rational thinking, or self-treatment, which will be very beneficial to you in general, then after that he proceeds to talk about Treating certain conditions, such as anxiety, psychosis, and childhood disorders.

In the same vein, we can deal with another important book, "Contemporary Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ... Psychological solutions to mental health problems", written by Stephen J. Hoffman is a clinical psychologist from Boston University's Department of Psychology and Brain Sciences, the book is also somewhat recent, released in 2011.

The book is creamy, primarily presented to students and doctors in training programs for self-cognitive behavioral therapy, but it is also provided to the public with only one goal which is to inform them about the treatment plans in CBT, so that they can understand what they will go through if they decide to join any of them, the book is really good in those The point, it introduces you to what will happen in therapy sessions with how to evaluate, its causes and objectives, but in the end it is not intended to be a guide to self-treatment.

The book's advantage is that it is clear and direct and uses the basic studies in this domain as sources on every page, its first chapters are great, introduce the basics of cognitive therapy and make a basic model, in the form of a simple design, then use it in each case then separately in the following chapters that span across 250 pages The main benefit of the book is that it places the reader in this field on a path of more specialized understanding, and you can use it as a starting point for important next steps.

From contemporary CBT let's go to one of the most important literature in this science, which is Aaron's Beck's book "Cognitive Therapy and Emotional Disorders", which - along with others - is the founder of CBT, this book gets a lot of attention because it presents very very smoothly the ideas that She turned in Beck’s mind before reaching the point where he broke away from psychoanalysis towards this new treatment.

The book is simple, and it is very possible for a general reader, the most important of its advantages is that it takes you from zero to depth, and - as long as it was issued (the seventies) - is necessary to achieve a better understanding of the knowledge foundations from which this domain originated, and with a very good translation from Dr. Adel Mustafa, reading a book Beck is a really fun opportunity.

The book starts from Beck's history with psychotherapy, and the point at which he reaches cognitive therapy, then moves on to explain our knowledge system and how to receive and separate ideas, or in a clearer sense: How do we establish a meaning for things? Then from that point, he moves to several important chapters during which he uses the above to establish what it means to be sad, angry, anxious and angry, and uses these definitions to know what psychological disturbance means, then he proceeds to specialize to provide cognitive therapy for each specific disease.

In all the previous books, there is a basic thing in common, which is examples from public life, so you all find it talking about an imagined young man or girl and explaining the situation of each patient in a beautiful story style, which facilitates these materials to a general reader or specialist, but there is no doubt that one of the most important books She specializes in citing these examples, in the form of dialogues between the therapist and the patient, is the book "Cognitive Therapy ... Bases and Dimensions" of Judith Beck, daughter of Aaron Beck.

The book is creamy, it comes in more than 500 pages, and it is mainly used to train beginners therapists, and it is one of the most famous references for this domain, so we did not put it in our list of nominations and we preferred to have a side candidacy, as the passage between those sessions will be an opportunity to reflect more deeply on this scope with clarifications Very important, but the most beautiful thing in this book is that the translator - Dr. Talaat Matar - translated the dialogues between the patient and the therapist in the Egyptian vernacular, which gave a degree of realism to the dialogues so that you feel as if you are sitting with them.

Well, our journey ended with CBT books, the author promises you to offer you those nominations a huge dose, but it is fun and useful at the same time, from the knowledge that will open your horizon to a new world that is really different in which you get to know yourself more deeply, of course there may be better books But the reader's readings in this group were really helpful and fun.

Day after day, CBT finds interest in the Arab world. The successes of this therapeutic range are universally promising and have become essential in psychotherapy, but CBT has become a major nomination in psychotherapy books alongside medication or individually, and we hope - besides that - to spread Reading in this domain in general, because this not only improves our lives, it also makes us more able to understand and deal with patients, which improves their lives by extension.