The cute sound made by a baby squirrel during the 7th week of life is a hot topic.

On the 24th of the local time, foreigners such as CNN of the United States introduced a video of a eating squirrel released by Swedish zoologist and wildlife photographer Danny Conner.

Watching the video, the little squirrel, who is smaller than the microphone, is devoted to eating. It chews and swallows what's in your mouth and makes you feel like you're excited, but it's like singing a humming song. The sound of gnawing sunflower seeds in your hands is also faint.

This squirrel is a cub of Remy, a wild red squirrel who has been friends with Mr. Connor. Connor, who lives near the forest, went to the forest to take pictures as usual two weeks ago and found Remy, who was dead. He came out on the road and was hit by a car and lost his life.

Knowing that Remy had just given birth to the young, Mr. Conner looked around and found four baby squirrels on the tree. After waiting seven hours, the mother squirrel did not appear, and Connor was convinced that these squirrels were Remy's young. Connor decided to become a'guardian' for several weeks for the young, who have no power to find food and have poor teeth.

Connor went to the forest every day to feed the squirrels and stayed by the side for 4-6 hours. Then, when the squirrels, who had been vigilant at first, came to the first week, they listened to their voices and noticed that they were Mr. Connor, and jumped down the tree. Mr. Connor gave the name "Pear" to baby squirrels who are good at eating and especially like pears.

As the fair's'Mokbang' spread on social media, the netizens who learned the story behind them were more impressed by Mr. Conner's warm heart. The netizens cheered Mr. Conner by saying, "This video made me laugh," and "Thank you for taking care of the little squirrels." One netizen shared the appearance of a cat watching a squirrel video, saying, "My cat fell in love with the fair."

"The squirrels become independent when they are 12 weeks old. They will be free wild animals, but I hope they can remain friends. I think I can't be a mother forever," Connor said.

This is'News Pick'.

(Source ='Dani Connor' YouTube,'DaniConnorWild' Twitter,'SarahJankowitz' Twitter)