For the Dragon Boat Festival in 2020, Ankang is the most important theme. The new crown epidemic is still spreading, and prevention and control still require efforts. Unity and cooperation is the most powerful weapon for the international community to overcome the epidemic. In the face of the epidemic, China adheres to the principle of “people first, life first”, always an open, transparent and responsible attitude, and always upholds the concept of building a community of human destiny. Career due diligence. As long as we work together and help each other, we will be able to overcome the epidemic completely and usher in a better tomorrow for human development!

  Director: Dong Xiuzhu Huang Jiajun

  Reporter: Du Yangling Xin Jiang Chao Hu Yousong Tan Yixiao

  New Media Editor: Chang Shuting Du Liwei

  Producer: Zhang Songhong, Wang Lu

  Produced by China Xinhua News Television (CNC)