<Anchor> In the

United States, the spread of corona19 is becoming steeper again in the southern region. The Urgent White House resumed the Corona 19 Task Force press conference in two months.

In Washington, Correspondent Kim Soo-hyung reports.


Vice President Fence, who leads the White House Corona 19 Task Force, stood at a press conference with experts in two months.

CNN reports that the number of new coroners daily in Corona19 has reached 40,000, the highest since the Corona crisis on the 25th.

[Pouch/National Institute for Epidemic Disease: Everything
may have happened as we resumed our economic activities too sooner than appropriate .]

The White House CoronaTF, which had actually entered a state of business closure after resuming economic activity, resumed the press conference. This means that the spread of corona19 in the southern United States is just as severe.

The number of new patients per day was 9,000 in Florida and 6,000 in Texas, the largest since the corona crisis.

Both states again banned people from drinking at the bar.

Criticism has been criticized over President Trump's attempts to push the public in spite of concerns about the spread of Corona19, but Vice President Fence stressed that freedom of expression is more important.

[Pence/US Vice President: I would like to remind you of the freedom of expression and the right to meet peacefully. Even in the US health crisis, these constitutional rights cannot be taken away.]

In particular, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention emphasized that the spread is more prominent among young people, and stressed that it is especially important to follow social distance guidelines for those under 40.