The state of Washington has registered a 35 percent increase in corona falls over the past week and states like Arizona, California, Mississippi and Texas these days noted new record numbers.

"It looks pretty bad in some places," says SVT's reporter in the US, Fouad Youcefi in SVT's Morning Studio.

Common to the hard-hit states is that everyone was early to open up.

"Many of the new clusters can be traced to the Memorial Day celebration, when many Americans went out for the first time since the quarantine," says Fouad Youcefi.

On Tuesday, US leading infection control expert Anthony Fauci said during a hearing in a congressional committee that the coming weeks will be very critical to what continued virus development will look like in the country.

- Right now, the coming weeks are critical to how we are able to handle the increases (of virus cases) we see in Florida, Texas and Arizona.

Trump joked about tests

Anthony Fauci also rejects information that President Donald Trump ordered Faudi and other pandemic executives to reduce the number of coronate tests.

- None of us have ever been asked to turn off the testing rate.

It was this weekend during his election in Tulsa that Trump stated that testing was a "double-edged sword" and that he urged the experts to cut down on the number of tests.

One of his colleagues later explained to CNN that the statement was "obviously a joke".