<Anchor> During the

night, the United States emphasized that it prefers North Korea's denuclearization through diplomacy. Although North Korea was re-designated as a terrorist supporter, it did not contain any expressions that would provoke North Korea.

In Washington, Correspondent Kim Soo-hyung reports.


David Helby, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Security in India and the Pacific, stressed that the US policy toward North Korea is focused on denuclearization through diplomacy.

[Helby/Deputy Secretary of Defense for the US Department of Defense (Seminar hosted by KF, CSIS): A realistic diplomatic process can only achieve the goal of denuclearization against North Korea. That's what we like very strongly.]

Bolton's memoirs from former White House National Security Advisers have reiterated the US policy objectives in the face of confusion over US foreign policy.

Deputy Secretary of Defense Helby said that Kim Jong-un's instructions to suspend the military action against South Korea are closely showing the need to keep an eye on the situation and to be prepared to respond.

Foreign Minister Cho Se-young, who attended the same seminar, emphasized the importance of transitioning to the United States.

[CEO Se-Young Cho/Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs (KF, Seminar hosted by CSIS): The transition to full-time warfare will give Koreans the impression that they are recognized as equal partners to the United States.]

The State Department said in its 2019 National Terrorism Report that North Korea is not acting to address North Korea's support for international terrorism, reassigning it as a terrorist supporter.

However, after last year, it is said that it has adjusted the water level by not criticizing North Korea this year.