How does fertilization happen? How can a man improve the quality of his sperm? How can women improve the quality of eggs? Is it possible to determine the gender of the newborn in a natural way? These and other questions are answered in this report.

We start with how fertilization occurs, which occurs when a sperm successfully meets an egg in a woman's fallopian tube. Once fertilization has occurred, this newly fertilized (fertilized egg) cell is called zygote.

The fertilized egg then moves down the fallopian tube to the uterus, and then digs into the endometrium, and this is called implantation.

When the fertilized egg is implanted in the endometrium, it is called a "blastocyst". The endometrium nourishes the blastocyst which eventually grows and develops into the fetus.

Improving egg quality and enhancing fertility

Women can improve the quality of eggs and enhance their fertility by following a number of tips, most notably avoiding smoking, reducing stress, eating healthy food and maintaining a healthy weight.

As for a man, he can improve the quality of sperm by exercising regularly, eating vegetables and fruits, especially those containing vitamin C, relaxing and reducing stress, enhancing his vitamin D, getting enough zinc, eating foods rich in folate, and practicing a life Healthy by eating a healthy food and avoiding smoking or drinking wine and maintaining a healthy weight.

Avoid smoking

The chemicals in cigarettes "alter and destroy" the DNA in a woman's egg cells, making some eggs not suitable for pregnancy.

Reducing stress

Stress can produce hormones such as cortisol and prolactin that can interfere or stop ovulation, in turn, stress-reducing activities such as yoga, meditation, exercise, or a warm bath can help reduce stress.

Eat healthy food

Healthy foods improve overall health, and this includes maintaining egg health, as well as improving fertility.

Women are advised to eat lots of leafy vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, nuts, fresh vegetables and fruits, keeping away from trans fats - found in ready-made labs, processed desserts, margarine, etc. - and refined carbohydrates and processed and processed foods.

Maintain a healthy weight

Obesity in women is associated with decreased fertility and low egg quality due to changes in the functions of the mitochondria (the organelle in the cell responsible for energy production) and the increase in oxidative stress that causes cell damage.

Excess weight can also alter the hormonal balance, which disrupts ovulation. Therefore it is recommended that the BMI be between 18.5-24.9.

The body mass index - also called the body mass index - is calculated by dividing the weight in kilograms by the square of the square meter in meters.

Tips for men to improve sperm quality

Exercise regularly

Besides being beneficial to a man's general health, exercising regularly can boost testosterone levels and improve fertility.

Testosterone is a male sex hormone, the main male sex hormone, and it plays an important role in fertility, muscle mass, fat distribution and red blood cell production.

Studies show that men who exercise regularly have higher levels of testosterone and better semen quality than inactive men.

Eat vegetables and fruits, especially those containing vitamin C.

Vegetables and fruits provide your body with vitamins and natural substances that fight the damage of free electrolytes, and the latter have negative effects on the health of cells and also on sperm.

Taking enough antioxidants from their natural sources, such as vitamin C, may help resist some of these harmful effects. There is also some evidence that vitamin C supplementation may improve semen quality.

However, the recommendation here is to focus on healthy food for vitamins, and do not take any nutritional supplement to improve fertility unless after consulting a doctor.

 Relax and reduce stress

Stress and stress may reduce a man's fertility, and researchers believe cortisol may play a role.

Constant stress increases your cortisol levels, which have strong negative effects on testosterone. When cortisol rises, testosterone levels tend to decrease.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D may boost testosterone levels. In the next one study showed that men with vitamin D deficiency were more likely to have low testosterone levels.

Get enough zinc

Zinc is an essential mineral found in large quantities in animal foods, such as meat, fish, eggs and shellfish. Studies show that low zinc is associated with lower levels of testosterone, decreased sperm quality, and an increased risk of male infertility.

Do not forget folate

Some studies indicate that lower folate consumption may impair semen quality. Foods rich in folate include green vegetables, legumes, and liver.

Living a healthy life

This includes eating a healthy, balanced diet, exercising, avoiding smoking or drinking wine, and maintaining a healthy weight.

General advice to increase fertilization success and a healthy pregnancy

Having sexual intercourse in the days leading up to and during ovulation

The sperms are in the fallopian tube when the egg is released, and this makes it easier for fertilization to occur. The sperm can remain in the female reproductive system for up to 4 or 5 days.

If a woman has regular cycles, ovulation will be about two weeks before the menstrual cycle. This means that the "fertility window" will be 7 days before the expected ovulation.

If the woman has irregular cycles, it may be difficult to predict the date of ovulation, but there are methods such as an ovulation test, which is similar to a pregnancy test by examining urine.

Once a woman gets a positive result (check the test instructions for details), intercourse should be performed on that day and the days after.

Reducing caffeine intake by reducing it to less than 200 mg per day. This is equivalent to a 12-ounce cup (about 350 milliliters).

The woman should start eating at least 400 micrograms of folic acid every day, as soon as she decides to start trying to conceive, in order to reduce the risk of certain birth defects.

 Can the gender of the child be determined?

There is a lot of talk about this topic, most of it is based on general assumptions and may not be accurate or applicable to everyone.

For example, a study found that the possibility of having a boy may be related to a woman's consumption of higher levels of potassium, which is found in vegetables and fruits such as bananas, sweet potatoes and white beans.

While some believe that sexual intercourse closer to ovulation increases the possibility of a boy.

However, there is nothing proven, and you should see your own doctor and ask about options available for controlling the child's sex.

We point out here that some may see that trying to determine the child's gender is "morally wrong", and it involves discrimination and dissatisfaction with God's grace