[Ju Young-Jin's News Briefing]

When citing an interview, please be sure to state the program name'SBS <Joo Young-Jin's News Briefing'. Copyright is SBS.

■ Broadcast: SBS <Ju Young-jin's News Briefing> Mon~Fri (14:00~16:00)
■ Progress: Joo Jin-jin Anchor
■ Talk: Jun-Seok Lee, former U.S. Supreme Leader, Eun-Hae Jeong, former Democratic Party member
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● 野 "Have all the standing chairpersons"-Jun

-Seok Lee, Former member of the former UNDP
"野, without ruling beopsawi containment difficult"
to take all "與, the Standing Committee should be responsible for it"

- jeongeunhye前Democrats
need to cooperate with "野, original configuration if you think national interests"

● Democratic reaction?

-Jun-Seok Lee, Former Commissioner of the Consolidated Party
"Kim Tae-nyeon, narrowing of negotiating spirit... needs to be resolved"

※ You can check the video for more information.

(SBS New Media Department)