Hookup +丨 "Cloud Diplomacy" in extraordinary times Xi Jinping's words highlight China's role

  "People are supreme, life is supreme" "Humanity is a community of shared destiny" "Unity and cooperation are the most powerful weapons against the epidemic"...

  In 2020, facing the new crown pneumonia epidemic, which raged across the world, President Xi Jinping insisted on a national chess game to coordinate China's epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. On the one hand, the head of state diplomacy led the anti-epidemic diplomacy, and the leaders were responsible for promoting international cooperation.

  Up to now, President Xi Jinping has talked or met with dozens of foreign leaders and heads of international organizations, attended the G20 leaders' special summit on new coronary pneumonia, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the 73rd World Health Assembly video conference, and hosted The China-Africa Solidarity Special Anti-epidemic Summit and keynote speeches, etc., opened the "cloud diplomacy" model with telephone, correspondence, and video as the main channels.

  CCTV's "Hybrid Plus" specially sorted out related speeches and learned with you the Chinese role in President Xi Jinping's "Cloud Diplomacy".