Hoping to feel energetic, we drink coffee in the morning. But the opposite effect may happen, so we start yawning and feel sleepy. The reason may be the quality of the coffee we consume. But even after drinking high quality pure coffee without any additives, some may feel little activity.

In her report, published by the Russian "Lisa" website, Maria Sidova said that there are several reasons behind wanting to sleep after drinking coffee. But we must know first of all how this drink affects brain function.

How does caffeine work?

The writer indicated that the main function of caffeine found in coffee, tea, or chocolate, and in some drinks, as well as in medicines, is to affect the nervous system.

Caffeine has a similar structure to Adenosine, a chemical present in all human cells.

Adenosine works in the brain, inhibiting the central nervous system, enhancing sleep and suppressing arousal by slowing nervous activity.

Upon awakening, adenosine levels in the brain rise every hour, making the brain and body less alert.

For a neuron, caffeine looks like adenosine, as caffeine binds to adenosine receptors. However, unlike adenosine, caffeine does not reduce cell activity.

And since caffeine uses all of the associated adenosine receptors, cells are no longer able to bind to adenosine. As a result, instead of slowing down due to the level of adenosine, cellular activity increases due to caffeine and the nervous system is activated.

The author gave some explanations that might make some people feel sleepy after drinking coffee:

1- Eat a large amount of caffeine

The author noted that an overdose of coffee may lead to feelings of drowsiness, and adenosine receptors are usually responsible for this, as they develop in an attempt to maintain balance. In response to the caffeine overdose, brain activity slows dramatically.

In such a case, it is advised to avoid coffee for a period of time, so that the number of adenosine receptors returns to normal within two days. The amount of coffee consumed must be monitored, as the time between one coffee dose and the other should be at least five hours.

In addition to drowsiness and drowsiness, tachycardia, increased pressure, trembling hands and migraines are a side effect of an overdose of coffee. Coffee is also a diuretic drink.

2- Liver disorders

The writer indicated that the liver treats many substances (including caffeine) with blood to reach other parts of the body, including the brain. But if the liver’s work is disturbed, treatment of these substances gets worse. Of course, caffeine will negatively affect the brain and cause drowsiness.

3- Hormonal disorders

Feeling sleepy after drinking coffee indicates a hormonal imbalance. Coffee stimulates the adrenal function to produce adrenaline. But an overdose of coffee slows down the work of the adrenal glands, which begin to produce adrenaline slowly, causing drowsiness.

4- Fatigue

A person feeling sleepy after drinking coffee can be explained as just fatigue or influenza. In this case, the nervous system is unstable, which means that coffee will not help to recharge your energy, but rather will make you feel lethargic and want to sleep, so it is best to get some rest.

The writer mentioned that there are other solutions for feeling active that we can substitute for coffee. For example, a cup of warm water can be drunk on an empty stomach in the morning, which helps the body to wake up from sleep.

Does milk affect the properties of caffeine?

The author showed that caffeine and milk protein make digestion slower, which means that the active substances in coffee reach the brain late. Accordingly, a strong stimulating effect should not be expected from cappuccino, for example.

How safe is the limit?

In general, about four hundred milligrams a day of caffeine is considered a safe dose for healthy adults, which is equivalent to about three to four cups of coffee. And the caffeine content depends on the type of coffee and the degree of roasting. And a single dose of caffeine should not exceed two hundred milligrams, according to German magazine Stern.

While many tests have demonstrated the benefits of coffee, that it is stimulant and reduces the risk of early death and heart disease and its ability to fight depression and help it burn body fat, experts believe that this comes only through drinking coffee in moderation and without exaggeration.