To hold discussions with possession of LDP's enemy base attack capability

Under the policy that the government will withdraw the deployment plan of the new interceptor missile system "Aegis Ashore", the Liberal Democratic Party is going to start discussions about possession of "enemy base attack capability", but opposition inside the Komeito is deeply rooted , That correspondence is likely to be one of the focal points.

Regarding the deployment plan of the new interceptor missile system "Aegis Ashore", the government intends to withdraw it, and will also review the outline of the defense plan and the medium-term defense improvement plan that were supposed to be deployed.

Also, the "National Security Strategy", which is the basic policy of diplomacy and defense, will be revised, and in the discussion held at the NSC = National Security Council, the possession of "enemy base attack capability" is one of the focus points. Is expected to become.

Under these circumstances, the LDP has also begun discussions regarding the possession of "enemy base attack capability" centered on the members of the Security Research Council and the Defense Forces Group in order to summarize recommendations to the government regarding the response to ballistic missiles.

However, there are opinions within the party that it is abrupt to discuss the possession of offensive capabilities, and there are also strong opinions within the Komeito that they oppose possessing offensive capabilities, and that response is likely to be one of the focal points. is.