President Trump's first large-scale rally in three months to return to presidential election June 21 12:14

U.S. President Trump has held a large rally for the first time in three months for the fall presidential election, and appealed for his support, arguing that the economy would be revived if he was re-elected. President Trump is being led by Democratic Party former Vice President Biden in public opinion polls, but with the aim of regaining the opportunity after the rally, the movement toward the presidential election is intensifying again.

President Trump held a large rally in Tulsa, Oklah, for the first time in three months, which had been suspended since March due to the spread of the new coronavirus.

In this, President Trump said, "If you do not do stupid things in the presidential election, you will return to the highest economy in US history next year" about the economy that declines due to the spread of infection, and appeals that the economy will recover if you are reelected It was.

In response to the virus, "This is the Chinese virus. I banned immigration from China ahead of the world and saved hundreds of thousands of lives."

In addition, the protests against racism that spread across the United States emphasized vandalism and looting, saying "The Republican Party is a party of law and order", but accusing the opposition Democratic Party and former Vice President Biden to the left. , "Stop the radical leftist movement and create a future for people of all races and creeds."

On the other hand, there were criticisms of the spread of the infection at the holding of this meeting, and there were vacant seats at the venue.

President Trump responded by saying, "You guys who came while Fake News told you not to join are fighters," and appealed for unity.

While maintaining a 40% approval rating, President Trump has been criticized for responding to the new coronavirus and protests, and is being led by Biden in a poll polling the presidential election.

With the aim of regaining the opportunity to restart the rally, which Trump has prioritized, the movement toward the presidential election has become active again.