Apricot is a delicious fruit rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and some minerals, what are its most prominent benefits? How do we store it? What about dried apricots?

Maria Sedva says in her report on the Russian "Lisa" website that apricots contain potassium that is useful for blood vessels. It also contains small amounts of minerals, such as phosphorous, iron, calcium and magnesium.

The author added that apricots provide a good percentage of the fibers that the body needs in the process of digestion. It is also rich in soluble fibers that reduce cholesterol in the blood and keep sugar at normal levels. It also contains antioxidants, vitamins "A" (A), "C" (C) and "E" (E), in addition to flavonoids that are good for health.

Apricot beta-carotene gives its distinctive orange color, and when consumed, it is transformed under the influence of various processes into the vitamin "any" necessary for the health of our eyes.

Benefits of apricots

1- It helps strengthen eyesight, and protects the eye from aging-related changes, along with negative environmental impacts, stress and an unhealthy lifestyle.

2- Good for the health of the cardiovascular system.

3- It improves the functioning of the digestive system thanks to the fibers that facilitate bowel movement. For people suffering from frequent constipation and flatulence, doctors recommend including apricots in the diet.

4- It improves skin health thanks to its vitamin B, which is extremely important in accelerating the regeneration of the skin cells.

5- Helps to moisturize the body, so experts advise eating two fruits after exercising.

6- Contributes to anti-aging, and some studies indicate that it reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Contraindications to eating this fruit

The author notes that some people are advised to avoid consuming this fruit for several reasons:

  • If a person has diabetes, it is recommended to use apricots with extreme caution. Although it is low in calories, it contains a large amount of sugar.
  • In the event of chronic gastrointestinal diseases (such as ulcers, pancreatitis, colitis, etc.) it will be necessary to exclude apricots from the diet.
  • If a person suffers from allergies, apricots can cause him to cough, runny nose, swelling, redness and itching, so it should be avoided in this case.
  • Apricots may not be suitable for kidney patients, so you should consult your doctor before taking it.

In all cases, you should always consult your doctor about eating apricots or any other food if you suffer from any disease or allergies.

Dried apricots

When the fruits are dried, they lose water, and the mineral concentration in them increases. The contraindication to eating this fruit does not differ, whether it is dried or in its natural state. In contrast, the number of calories in dried apricots is greater compared to fresh apricots, which means that dried apricots may not help you lose weight.

How to choose and store apricots

Orange apricots should be chosen with a pinkish tinge. As for the way to store it, it should be placed in a tightly closed glass container. When stored at a temperature below 10 ° C, its shelf life may be up to 10 months without losing its nutritional properties.

Another way to preserve this fruit for a longer period is by freezing it. In this case, the apricot kernels should be cut into slices or cubes and frozen. It should be noted that frozen apricots are no less important than fresh apricots.