Aegis Asshore Withdrawal Policy National Security Strategy Revised Government: June 21, 4:53

Regarding the deployment plan of the new interception missile system "Aegis Ashore", the government will hold the NSC = National Security Council this week and withdraw from it. Then, we will start discussions toward the first revision of the "National Security Strategy," which is the basic policy of diplomacy and defense.

Following the suspension of the "Aegis Asshore" deployment plan, Defense Minister Kono visited Yamaguchi Prefecture, which was a candidate site for deployment, on the 19th, and then another candidate site, Akita Prefecture, and stopped on the 21st. I will apologize and explain the reason for the decision.

The government plans to withdraw the deployment plan by having Prime Minister Abe and related ministers present in the middle of this week to hold the NSC = National Security Council.

And intensively discussed the way of security strategy of Japan in the NSC, it is thought to want to show a certain direction to the prospect of the end of September as a deadline for budget request for next year budget.

Among these, there are missile defense systems that replace "Aegis Asshore", how international cooperation should be after the new coronavirus has converged, economic security such as intellectual property management, and possession of "enemy base attack capability". By all means, the focus will be on.

The government, after listening to opinions from experts, revised the “National Security Strategy”, which is the basic policy of diplomacy and defense, for the first time since its formulation in 2013. It is a policy to proceed with the review of the “plan outline”.