• Obituary at Skönsmon, Sundsvall

In May, five people between the ages of 19 and 25, four men and one woman, were sentenced to prison for their denial of the beatings with a knife against a man in their 30s.

All five were charged with murder but the circumstances surrounding the act itself are unclear and it has not been possible to clarify who held the knife. Therefore, the district court chose the much milder heading of serious abuse. The 22-year-old, who is considered to be the main character, was also convicted of gross negligence until the death of another.

The judgment has been appealed and the court proceedings in the case will start on June 30.

• The murder of Steam

Was committed on the evening of December 10 in a property in Ånge where a man in his 20s was found dead the following morning.

Four men aged 18-24 are arrested on suspicion of involvement, one of them in their absence. The man, a 21-year-old, is still being sought by police.

Two of the detainees are from Malmö, one from the Stockholm area and the fourth from western Medelpad.

The suspicions apply to murder, people robbery and gross robbery. Prosecution should be brought by June 25, but many are currently saying that it will be delayed further.

• The shooting death in Nacksta, Sundsvall

Just a day later, the night between December 11 and 12, a 28-year-old man was shot down in the residential area of ​​Nacksta. During the morning it was clear that he had died from his injuries.

Already on the same day, three men between the ages of 25-30 were arrested. All are connected to the Sollefteå area, but of them are written in Sundsvall. All three are now on probation for suspected murder.

By June 24, the preliminary investigation will be completed, according to the latest report.

• The New Year murder in Sundsvall

A 50-year-old woman is suspected of an extremely brutal knife murder of a woman of equal age on New Year's Day morning.

The murder took place in an apartment in Sundsvall where three people - in addition to the victim and the suspect a third woman who was the hostess - met to celebrate the New Year.

The defendant refuses, but she is contradicted by both technical evidence and witnesses. Her version is that she has been drugged because she does not remember any of the incident.

The trial ends at the end of July when the forensic psychiatric examination of the woman is completed. The verdict comes sometime in August.

• The murder in Sollefteå

A 40-year-old man was recently indicted on charges of shooting his wife in their joint residence in a small town in Sollefteå municipality in January.

The man claims that the killing shot with one of his hunting rifles was fired by rage. He says he intended to take his life and that he was lying in bed next to his sleeping wife with the loaded rifle between them when a shot was suddenly fired.

The prosecutor is of a different view and has charged the man for murder. The suspect will undergo a major forensic psychiatric examination and the verdict in the case is expected during the latter part of July.

• The murder during Easter in Sundsvall

On Monday evening, the police were alerted to an apartment in Sundsvall after a 20-year-old man stabbed his mother to death after a dispute between them.

The very repentant 20-year-old admitted directly and has cooperated with the police throughout the preliminary investigation.

The 20-year-old has several types of functional variations and the school closure due to the corona pandemic has caused his feeling greatly impaired.

The trial in the case was closed on Thursday and they will be announced on June 26.

• The murder in Härnösand

Early Sunday morning, May 10, police were alerted to an apartment in Härnösand. There, a man in his 20s was found dead. Shortly thereafter, a 22-year-old man was arrested and detained.

The 22-year-old is now in custody, who is likely to be suspected of murder. He is also suspected of two rapes, one of which is gross, against a woman and for grossly unlawful threats and beatings.

Prosecution in the case comes by July 10.