- The children we get to ourselves are generally quite stung in their confidence. They do not hang out at the usual preschool and no one is waiting for them. They have often stopped communicating.

Fifteen years ago, there were 34 language schools in the country, divided into 26 locations. Today, they are 28 departments in 21 locations, according to the Language Preschool Association. In Småland there is only one left - in LJungby.

- Unfortunately, it is a trend that there is a reduction in all special preschools. Many language preschools have disappeared and some have been added, but the overriding trend for us is that they are declining, says Kerstin Eires, chair of the Language Preschool Association.

Risking closure

In April, the Kronoberg Region decided to stop sending children to the county's only language preschool. This has led to the risk of being completely shut down. But after protests and incomplete evidence, Ljungby's politicians decided to postpone the issue.

"The disadvantages (with language preschool) is that the child is not in his social context and can be associated with travel alone in a service car." stands in the decision of the Board of Health. Instead, the Kronoberg Region believes that children can be visited by speech therapists in a regular preschool group.

- A speech therapist who comes from time to time can never compensate. The children need staff density, there are clear research results that show that daily training is the most important, says Kersin Eires.

SVT News Småland has applied for Roland Gustbée (M), chairman of the Health and Medical Committee of the Kronoberg Region, without success.