• INPS: from today the applications for cash advance in derogation
  • INPS: Covid allowance for another 42 thousand, including disability and seasonal holders
  • Coronavirus, INPS: Integration lay-off paid to 6.8 million workers
  • Stati Generali, Conte: "Today decree for a further four weeks of the IGC"


June 18, 2020 In the first three months of 2020 the hires activated by private employers were 1,338,000, with a "very strong" drop compared to the first quarter of 2019 and equal to 24%. This is what the INPS notes in the Precarious Observatory, explaining that the contraction "was particularly significant in March, due to the emergency linked to the Covid-19 pandemic". The drop involved all types of contracts, but in a "clearly accentuated" manner for all hirings with fixed-term employment contracts: seasonal, intermittent, temporary, temporary.

Covid lawsuit authorized 849.2 million Cig hours in May
INPS authorized 849.2 million hours of layoffs in May with the causal 'Covid-19 health emergency', in line with the number of hours authorized in April (832.4 million). This is what emerges from the update of the Cig observatory which states: "The hours authorized in May with the causal 'covid-19 health emergency' refer entirely to the Cura Italia decree",. As far as the regions are concerned, it was Lombardy which had, in the month of May, the highest number of authorized hours of ordinary Cig with 51.8 million hours. Piedmont and Veneto follow with 26.7 and 26.1 million hours respectively. 

In May 2020 - specified INPS - 57,167 production units were authorized at the ordinary cig with a number of hours equal to 220.9 million, while the ordinary check was authorized for 83,017 production units with 397.2 million hours. For the cig in derogation, authorizations arrived at 351,129 production units with 231 million hours. The sector that made the most use of cash was commerce with 184 million hours (92.4 of which for cash notwithstanding) followed by real estate, rental and business services (146 million authorized hours) and hotels and restaurants (134.89 million, 50.1 of which in cash by way of derogation and 86.79 with the check for solidarity funds).