
In addition, North Korea said it would increase the number of troops in front of the West Sea and other artillery units and re-run military exercises in the border area. Our reporter is out on Yeonpyeong Island, where you can see the North Korean coastal cannon.

Reporter Kim Hak-hui, yesterday (16th), it wasn't easy to see if the northern coastal cannon was open because the day was cloudy, but has anything been confirmed today?


Yes, I am at the northern end of Yeonpyeong Island.

When you look at the sea, you will first see a Chinese fishing boat illegally operating. That sea is on the northern limit line NLL.

Today I photographed the North Korean region with a telephoto lens.

First of all, it is Jang Jae-do with the North Korean army's coastal guns. The part circled on the screen, the black square-shaped facility is the coastal door.

It was possible to check the appearance of the closed door.

I checked from morning to morning and afternoon from day to day, but the North Korean coastal cannon door remains closed.

Since the dawn of the Korean Navy's high speed, we have been busy looking at the trends of North Korea, and the North Korean guard has been captured by the camera.


It seems that there is still no movement on the North Korean coastal side, but if North Korea continues to appear like that, it will be inevitable for residents of Yeonpyeong Island there. How was the atmosphere when you heard the stories of the residents?


Our fishing boats have been operating normally today, and most residents of Yeonpyeong Island continue their lives as usual.

However, I have been told a lot that I can't help getting anxious.

[Park Tae-won/Resident of Yeonpyeong-do: If the shelling of Yeonpyeong-do occurs again like 10 years ago, there is no countermeasure. The man at the sea. Those things are even more anxious.] The

Marine Corps Yeonpyeong Corps also monitors North Korea 24 hours a day and maintains alertness because it has announced that it will augment artillery units deployed on the West Sea front and resume military exercises.

It has been said that there has been no unusual trend of the North Korean military so far.

(Video coverage: Kim Tae-hoon, video editing: So Ji-hye) 

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