New Zealand's youth public service ads featuring real porn stars are a hot topic.

On the 15th of the local time, foreigners such as the British Guardian introduced a public service advertisement, saying, "A porn star appeared in a public service advertisement produced by the New Zealand government."

The advertisement starts with two protagonists of a porn movie called'Sue and Derek', naked in a single family home. The two actors warn a middle-aged woman who can't shut her mouth, saying, "Your son is looking at us on the Internet right now."

A child who comes out late into the living room is shocked to see an actor appearing in front of him. "It's done."

Following the narration "Many teenagers are learning sex online", the address of the homepage related to sex education appears and the video ends.

The ad is part of the New Zealand government's'Keep It Real Online' campaign, created by the government report that youths are seeing sensational videos online.

According to a 2019 survey, young people in New Zealand have found the Internet to be their primary learning tool when learning about sex. In addition, about a third of popular porn movies have been found to deal with consentless sex.

The New Zealand government says it has created an advertisement with the intention of letting parents know exactly what this is and let them talk about it naturally with their children.

This ad has attracted the attention of netizens around the world, receiving a reputation for being humorous about a difficult subject to reveal.
This is'News Pick'.

(Photo ='Keep It Real Online' YouTube)