- Finns are extremely important for tourism here. During the summer, it is mainly the private tourists who come and for them, it is mainly the urban experiences that attract, says Sara Gustavsson at Visit Umeå.

- You visit events, eat well, visit pubs and meet people. So it is clear that our trade, our restaurants and hotels will feel that there will be no Finns this summer.

Since the meeting restrictions were introduced in March, the loss for the hospitality industry has generally been about 90 percent, according to Visit Umeå. Then all tourism is included, not just Finland.

A big boost for domestic nature tourism

But there are flashes of light, because now the Swedes also choose to holiday at home to a greater extent and Visit Umeå is noticing an increased demand for nature experiences.

- There is a huge increase in issues related to hiking and cycling. People are looking for places that they feel are safe, says Sara Gustavsson.