Mr. and Mrs. Kawai, “Not a big influence” LDP Secretary-General, 2nd floor 16:30, June 16

``I'm not in a position to comment on the outcome of the trial,'' said the secretary-general of the LDP's secretary-general at the press conference. It's important."

Katsuyuki Kawai, the former Minister of Justice and the resignation of Representative Satoshi, said, "We haven't received any action at the party headquarters yet, but that kind of thing will happen soon."

On the other hand, "It may not be appropriate to say that it has no effect on the party or the government, but it is not the action of a big councilor or a person in such a position to make a lot of noise. I would like to hear from you and respond."

Ritsumin, Secretary-General Fukuyama "The LDP and Prime Minister Abe are also very responsible"

Secretary-General Fukuyama of the Constitutional Democratic Party told reporters Katsuyuki Kawai about his former Minister of Justice and his wife, Mr. Satoshi, "The fact that the current Diet members are in such a state is a very alarming issue, and they have to resign. It is worth the responsibility of the LDP and Prime Minister Abe."

Mr. Hirano, Secretary General of the National Assembly

The Secretary-General of the National Democratic Party told the reporters, Katsuyuki Kawai, the former Minister of Justice and his wife, Senator, “The tea ceremony will not be muddy at the departure party. But, of course, you should resign from the legislature yourself."

Communist Secretary General Koike "The pursuit of the responsibility of the prime minister who should resign

At the press conference, the secretary-general of the Communist Party, Mr. Koike, told Senri Kawai: "It is likely that the tandem system will be applied for imprisonment, but you should resign without waiting for this. Also, before the Upper House election, Since it cost 150 million yen, it is not just a matter of Mr. and Mrs. Kawai, but also the responsibility of the LDP Governor, Prime Minister Abe, must be thoroughly pursued."