In the past two days, there has been new news of the epidemic, and everyone's nerves are tense again.

  On the evening of June 12, Zhang Yuxi, chairman of the Beijing Xinfadi Wholesale Market, said that the new crown virus was detected from the cutting board of imported salmon during the random inspection by relevant departments, and the source of the product came from the Beijing-Shenzhen seafood market.

  As soon as the news came out, many supermarkets in Beijing and other places dropped off salmon overnight.

  The accompanying problems also plagued everyone and caused extensive discussion.

  Does salmon really carry the new coronavirus?

  Eating salmon may be infected with new coronavirus.

  Is fresh food safe?

  With doubts, let's unlock the answer together.

  Can salmon infect new crown virus?

  As a low-level non-mammalian organism, salmon does not have the ability to transmit viruses to humans.

  At present, the research has not found that the new coronavirus can cause infection through salmon, but during storage, transportation, and sales, there may be a risk of virus contamination due to the surrounding environment.

  Specifically, the storage, transportation, and sales processes are mainly divided into the following situations:

  Storage conditions: If the temperature is not low enough, it may contaminate viruses or bacteria.

  Transportation conditions: During the transportation process, the packaging conditions are too bad, the transportation time is too long, the temperature is too high, etc. There will be a risk of infection.

  During transportation: If the situation of staying in a high-risk area for too long or unintentionally unpacking is not dealt with in time, it will also increase the risk of pollution.

  Sales conditions: During the sales process, the surrounding environment is more complicated, and the sanitary conditions such as the knife and chopping board for handling salmon meat are not enough, and they may also be contaminated by viruses.

  Will eating salmon be infected with parasites?

  Generally speaking, wild salmon does contain parasites. If artificially farmed salmon contains antibiotics and other drugs, it generally does not contain parasites.

  But whether it is wild or farmed, it will contain some microorganisms.

  In addition, wild salmon may even contain pathogenic bacteria, but they will be treated by medicinal bath or freezing before sale to meet national standards. Generally, most pathogenic bacteria can be inactivated after low or high temperature.

  Therefore, the salmon we buy is almost free of parasites and pathogenic microorganisms.

  If the purchase channels are formal and appropriate storage and cooking methods are used, they will not be infected with parasites.

  Can't the salmon really be eaten?

  Salmon is edible, but these more important things must not be ignored.

  First of all, look for salmon in regular channels and eliminate the danger from the source.

  Secondly, after buying back salmon, freezing at -30℃ for more than 24 hours can reduce the risk.

  Finally, when cooking at a high temperature, be sure to eat fully cooked.

  Low temperature and high temperature will eliminate most germs and parasites. These methods may reduce the nutrition and taste of salmon, but for our health, food safety is the first condition.

  In summary

  There is currently no evidence that

  Salmon can infect new crown virus

  Salmon can eat

  But pay attention to purchase channels and storage conditions


  Must eat fully cooked

  Source: Popular Science China

  Expert: Zhang Chi (Lecturer in Food Science and Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University)