Australian Fliteboard revealed a surfboard that floats above the water, in the fulfillment of the efforts of the founder of the company David Trioern, who is a fan of surfing and windsurfing, and left his permanent job to work on this project full time.

Fleetboard is similar to a traditional surf board, but the fact is that the person on it floats above the water as it does not depend on the presence of a wave, so the skateboard can float over seas, rivers, lakes, or any place with at least three feet of water.

How it works?

There are three types of Fleetboard Skateboard, the first type is six feet long, and is an inflatable board for beginners. The Fliteboard Pro is the smallest option five feet long and is for professionals.

The board consists mainly of the skateboard with the Fitecell battery installed, which is a rechargeable and waterproof battery, and the piece that holds the surfboard, called the mast, is available in two heights, the long mast means a smoother ride on the waves and a better angle of rotation, The short mast makes it easy for the passenger to stay on the board stably.

Each Fleet board is backed by a silent electronic motor. With an electronic motor, the Fleetboard can travel at 45 kilometers an hour, is emission-free, and does not leave ripples behind as is the case with skateboards, and the battery is fully charged in less than three hours. A single charge lasts about 90 minutes.

The handheld remote control allows the passenger to control the board, as the remote control connects to the board using Bluetooth, so it gives the passenger useful information to help him plan his trip.

For example, it provides the passenger with information about speed, distance, battery range and efficiency. Passengers can adjust their boards to control the speed.

There are ten Fleet Board water skiing schools around the world, most of them in Australia and Europe, and a few others are planning to open branches in New Zealand, Indonesia and other countries.

The average board price in the United States is approximately $ 13,000, and includes shipping. Fleet Board says the delivery time is now six weeks for new orders.