- If you compare to a regular week, we see a tripling of callers last week. We guess that depends on the antibody test, says Annika Petersson, operations manager of clinical chemistry and transfusion medicine. 

Fully until mid-August

The reason why blood donors should be antibody tested is that the infection protection should have an indication of how the infection spreads in the county. The blood donor finds out if it is a positive result within a month. But if you are a new blood donor, the waiting time can be long. Right now, new blood donor registration is full until mid-August.  

- We have limited the number of places during the summer for all new blood donors to be called on interview first. When they find out, a number of people have dropped out, says Annika Petersson  

She continues: 

- We want you to donate blood because you want to donate blood and help. If this is the test you want, you should apply to other channels, ”she says.