• Atlantia against the Government: freeze on investments in Autostrade, threatened recourse to legal channels


May 27, 2020 The government summit on Autostrade has been "interlocutory", in the sense that a final decision has not been made at the moment, but it will come "quickly". This is what is learned from executive sources.

The meeting was attended by the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte with the ministers Roberto Gualtieri and Paola De Micheli and the heads of delegation of the majority: for the Democratic Party Dario Franceschini, Maria Elena Boschi for Iv, Alfonso Bonafede for M5S and Roberto Speranza for Leu. During the meeting a point was made on the dossier, on which there will be further investigations.

"During the meeting held this morning, President Conte and Minister De Micheli met with the heads of delegation for a discussion on the procedure for the termination of the Aspi motorway concession. The meeting was useful to provide all representatives of government forces with a punctual updating on the state of the procedure and on the various aspects of this delicate dossier. In the coming days, some in-depth analyzes will be completed which will allow defining the government's ultimate position ".

The sources of Palazzo Chigi explain it.