my country will implement nine major ecosystem protection and restoration major projects with a total investment of over 3 trillion yuan

CCTV News: The prerequisite for economic development is to protect green water and green mountains. On June 11, China officially released the "National Important Ecosystem Protection and Rehabilitation Major Project Master Plan (2021-2035)", which will delineate the seven major ecological zones of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the key ecological zones of the Yellow River (including the ecological barrier of the Loess Plateau) Focus on ecological function zones, and implement nine major ecological protection and restoration major projects on the basis, with a total investment of more than 3 trillion yuan.

  The plan proposes that China should build seven key ecological function areas, namely the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau ecological barrier area, the Yellow River key ecological area (including the Loess Plateau ecological barrier), the Yangtze River key ecological area (including the Sichuan-Yunnan ecological barrier), the Northeast Forest Belt, and the North According to the different conditions in various regions, nine major projects including ecological protection and restoration of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau ecological barrier area have been deployed in the sand control belt, southern hilly mountainous area and coastal belt.

  According to the goals set out in the plan, by 2035, China’s forest coverage will reach 26%, the natural forest area will remain stable at about 200 million hectares, the wetland area will not decrease, more than 75% of the manageable desertified land will be treated, and the marine ecology will deteriorate The situation has been fully reversed, with a natural coastline retention rate of not less than 35%; natural reserves with national parks as the main body occupy more than 18% of the land area, and endangered wildlife and their habitats are fully protected.