What are the benefits of tooth brushing? What are the most prominent materials it contains? What is the correct way to use it? Our answer.

Miswak is a natural tool for cleaning teeth taken from the roots or branches of certain wild trees that differ from one region to another. In the Arab countries and Asia it is taken from the Arak tree (Salvadora Persica), which was used by the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

Scientific studies have proven that tooth brushing has anti-bacterial, fungi, viral, decay and plaque properties.

And plaque is a layer formed on the teeth after eating if it is not brushed, and consists of mouth bacteria with acids produced by sugars and saliva, and is formed on the surface of the teeth, also called bacterial plaque.

A person can feel the plaque layer with his tongue, especially on the back teeth, and it usually forms within hours after eating.

The acids in the plaque layer attack the tooth enamel, the outermost layer of the tooth and its strongest parts, and this attack leads to the analysis of the enamel structure by removing the minerals from it, which leads to tooth decay.

According to studies also, the toothpaste has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and the effectiveness of mechanical and chemical cleaning of toothpicks may be equal to one or more of the toothbrushes.

Tooth brushing has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect (Reuters)

What are the active substances in tooth brushing?

Benzyl iso thiocyanate has a strong antibacterial effect against oral pathogens that play a role in periodontal disease.

2- Salvodarine: has antibacterial and gum stimulating effect.

3- Silica: it works as an abrasive that removes stains.

4- Calcium and fluoride ions: help in remineralizing teeth and preventing cavities.

Miswak can be an effective tool in oral hygiene (Getty Images)

5- Sodium bicarbonate: it has an antibacterial effect.

6- Tannic acid: a good antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent.

7- Aromatic oils: an antiseptic effect, and stimulates the secretion of saliva, which helps neutralize acids in the mouth and prevent cavities.

8- Vitamin C.

Evidence from scientific studies supports the view that Miswak can be an effective tool in oral hygiene, not only because of its excellent mechanical efficiency in removing plaque, but also because of the wide range of biological properties.

Tooth brushing can be used alone or as an aid to the use of toothbrushes, and therefore many researchers believe that the use of toothpicks should be encouraged.

However, achieving the optimal effects of Miswak depends on your regular and correct use, and this includes:

  • Miswak should be fresh, so that it is rich in beneficial chemicals, and the fresh ones are brown in color and have a burning taste.
  • Before using the miswak, the tip of it should be washed with water, then chew it until similar bristles appear in the brush, taking care to remove it every 24 hours.
  • The cleaning process should get as far as possible away from the gums surrounding the teeth.
  • Tooth brushing is recommended five times a day.
  • Dry tooth brushing may damage the gums, and therefore it must be immersed in water, provided that this does not exceed 24 hours so that it does not degrade and lose its beneficial components.
  • All surfaces of the tooth must be cleaned.
  • It is advised that the length of the miswak is not more than 15 centimeters, so that it is easy to control and move easily in the mouth, as excessive length may cause oral harm.