Tian Qibao soup hangs and stretches to eat auxin milk as water to drink...do
  n't toss children, these are increased pits

  In the past six months of staying at home, have you worked hard for your children’s growth? Bone soup, growth hormone, nutritional supplements, stretching exercises... Anyone who can hear a remedy can be used to give his baby a try. However, do these so-called heightening cheats really help Changgao? Today, let's take a look at the rumors that are all the rage and see if you have encountered any of the "pits" below.

  Dispel rumor, drink more bone soup can grow taller

  The bones are indeed rich in calcium, but have little to do with calcium supplementation.

  First, calcium in bones is difficult for humans to absorb; second, no matter how long the bones are stewed, those calciums are also difficult to dissolve in the soup. We see that the thick white soup is actually mostly fat. Therefore, long-term drinking bone soup not only can not supplement calcium, but also has the risk of causing obesity.

  Compare the calcium content of bone soup and milk-bone soup: 2mg/100ml; milk: 104mg/100ml.

  The calcium content of milk is much greater than bone soup, so to give children calcium, drinking bone soup is not as good as drinking milk.

  Talking about rumors, milk can grow taller

  The latest "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016)" should drink 1500-1700 ml of water daily.

  The protein and fat in milk is about 3%, the sugar content is about 5%, and the calcium content is about 1%. If you drink milk at this amount, the calcium supply will be excessive, and the fat and energy will be much higher. Even if you drink 800 ml of milk, which is half the daily water intake, you will consume more fat and energy.

  In addition, drinking milk as water can cause excessive protein intake in the body. Too much protein supply, the human body can not "take all orders", but the absorption rate will decline.

  The daily drinking volume of milk should not exceed 500 ml. And milk drinks such as fruit juice, carbonated drinks, functional drinks, AD calcium milk and other milk drinks should not be drunk, nor can they be used as daily water.

  Dispel the rumor, Tian Qibao soup can grow tall

  In recent years, "Tian Qi" has been sought after by many health care professionals, and the fact that Tian Qi can help children grow taller has become a concern for parents. At present, there is no scientific evidence to prove that the folk remedies "Tianqi stewed chicken, Tianqi stewed pork ribs, and sea horse pot Tianqi" can be safely and effectively increased. And these Chinese medicines and tonics may have the risk of accelerating the closure of the epiphyseal line, which will lead to impaired life-long height and even endocrine diseases such as precocious puberty!

  At the same time, herbal tea added with Chinese herbal medicines is not suitable for children to drink more and drink often. Certain nutrients fortified in some packaged foods, such as milk and yogurt fortified with vitamin ad calcium, as well as beverages fortified with vitamin c, iron and zinc, electrolyte drinks such as Red Bull, candy, bread, eggs, etc. To look at the content, it is necessary to calculate, otherwise it will be too much.

  In addition, there are adult formulas such as pollen and royal jelly, which are also very risky for children.

  A five-year-old girl not only did not grow tall after eating pollen and royal jelly for several months, but instead showed signs of precocious puberty such as breast enlargement and bone age reaching nine years old. Children with precocious puberty will not only be "superior", but will cause the epiphysis to heal earlier, and eventually lose the space for a long child, "first dwarf".

  Dispel rumours, grow up and grow taller

  Malnutrition does affect height, but the nutrients that are readily available in natural foods do not need to be supplemented. While obtaining certain nutrients through natural foods, you can also obtain many other nutrients that can promote growth. In recent years, various growth factors with lysine as the main component have become a new type of nutritional supplement. It is said that eating can promote healthy growth, promote calcium absorption, help to increase appetite and so on.

  Lysine is an essential amino acid for humans, and like other amino acids, we can get it through our daily diet. The manufacturer's claim to promote lysine supplements is nothing more than that. The content of lysine in cereals is very low and cannot meet the needs of the human body.

  Our Asians’ traditional staple rice does lack lysine, but there are many other lysine-rich foods to choose from, such as lean beef, pork, chicken, fish, shrimp, nuts, eggs, beans, and beans Vegetables, etc.

  Rather than blindly buying expensive nutritional supplements, it is better to think of ways to eat these foods mentioned above.

  Spreading the rumor·Eating nutritional supplements is good for development

  Most parents are not necessary to give their children supplements, such as vitamin C, calcium, zinc, etc., which are easily obtained from food. If the child's long-term uneven diet has caused a serious lack of certain nutrients, causing diseases such as anemia and vitamin D deficiency rickets, they must be supplemented as directed by a doctor. In other cases, including minor nutritional deficiencies, they can be supplemented by dietary adjustments, and should also be supplemented by dietary adjustments.

  Slight nutritional deficiencies can be slowly improved through dietary adjustments. For the children themselves, it is easy to improve through dietary adjustment if they do not have a few years of life and do not have the conditions of "long-term" lack.

  Short-term, minor nutritional deficiencies will not cause any problems, but may be due to the efforts of parents to develop good eating habits for children, forming a balanced diet structure, and benefiting children for life.

  Dietary supplementation is the safest and most effective method.

  Dispel rumor, stretch, drape can grow tall

  For patients with kyphosis and scoliosis, spinal traction can also help restore a certain height.

  Do you see clearly? restore!

  To put it simply, after a period of stretching exercise, the interosseous tissue returns to a better thickness, and then the height measurement will increase slightly. However, such stretching is not due to the growth of the child's own long bones. If not stretched properly, it may easily cause muscle damage to the child.

  Here we should remind everyone: reasonable exercise is conducive to balancing the growth of bones and the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the whole body, and promoting the physical development of children. Note that you must choose a movement that can put the bone under pressure. This pressure is the best stimulus to promote bone growth.

  I recommend the following sports:

  ● Including rope skipping, running and other sports that are conducive to limbs;

  ●Sit-ups, gymnastics and other sports that help bone growth;

  ● Comprehensive body sports such as volleyball, badminton and swimming all contribute to the growth and elongation of bones throughout the body.

  But what I want to emphasize here is that we must stretch well to avoid damage to the joint ligaments. If children want to grow up healthily, then at least 4 to 5 days of continuous exercise, each time requiring 30 to 45 minutes is a better choice. In addition, let the children choose sports according to their age and interests, and carry out physical exercise under the premise of safety. Text / Pan Hui (Peking Union Medical College Hospital)