A famous Turkish chef is standing in the middle of a cattle slaughterhouse and is welcoming his “memorial photo” to SNS.

On the 10th of his local time, Nusret Kotche, who runs the famous Turkish steak restaurant'Nusur Et', posted a picture of the problem on his Instagram.

If you look at the photo, you will see a solid body in the center of a circular slaughterhouse with dense cows. Wearing a suit in sunglasses and wearing a suit is a posture with both hands on her waist, and I can feel confident when I stare straight at the camera. And as I explained it, Chetche left the text "Very Important Meeting."
Shortly after the photo was released, Chetche faced criticism of'immoral and terrible'. 

"It is one of the most immoral, cruel and disgusting pictures I have ever seen," journalist Gem Seymen said on Twitter. Actress Ahmet Muntaz Tyran pointed out the picture by quoting a phrase from George Orwell's novel Animal Farm, ``All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.''
Known as the ``salt (salt) pear'' for salting steaks in a unique manner, Götze is now known as Turkey's most famous chef and caterer.

This is'News Pick'.

(Photo ='nusr_et' Instagram,'cemseymen' Twitter)