China News Service, Changzhou, June 10 (reporter: Qian Qunhua, reporter Tang Juan) An 8-year-old boy named Xiao Tian (pseudonym) in Changzhou was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment after drinking a small bowl of soup, causing the allergic shock. The culprit was actually "wheat". On the 10th, Xiaotian had stabilized after treatment. Xiong Jianxin, a child allergic disease expert and director of the respiratory department of Changzhou Children’s Hospital, reminded that the main causes of food allergies in infants and young children in my country are eggs, shrimp, fish, milk, wheat, soybeans and peanuts. Allergic reactions vary in severity and performance, and parents should learn to deal with allergies correctly.

  On June 8, Xiaotian had symptoms of itching and tongue numbness after having lunch at school. The teacher immediately contacted her mother. Thinking of the son who had been suffering from allergies after eating the hemp group, the mother choked and sent her son to Changzhou Children's Hospital for treatment.

  "When the child arrived at the hospital, his consciousness was still clear, but he showed sweating, weakness of the limbs, cyanosis, rashes of the whole body and other allergic shocks during the treatment." The attending physician Gu Yanping said: "The progress was very good at the time. Quickly and more and more seriously, the child soon became unconscious and his blood pressure dropped, and we raced against each other to rescue."

  "When I was a kid, I would have a rash and itching when I ate pasta. I was rescued by an allergy to numbness two years ago. When I came to see a doctor later, I had an allergen test and was allergic to wheat. Whatever, this time the child only drank a little noodle soup, and the result was a problem." The mother was afraid.

  After oxygen, inhalation, anti-shock, and other rescue efforts, Xiaotian's condition gradually stabilized. After two days, the patient's condition was observed again. If there were no other problems, he could be discharged home.

  Xiong Jianxin introduced that Xiaotian's condition is a shock caused by a typical food allergy. What is a food allergy? Food allergy refers to the reproducible adverse effects on health due to specific immune response when ingesting a given food, including skin, mucous membrane, digestive system, respiratory system and other adverse reactions. According to the statistics of our survey in 2018, the main causes of food allergies in infants and young children in my country are eggs, shrimp, fish, milk, wheat, soybeans and peanuts. Xiong Jianxin said that in addition to the above, food allergens that clinicians have seen can be described as diverse, such as pineapple, mango, apple, peach, etc. The food is different, the amount of intake is different, the body's reactivity is different, and the severity of allergic reactions is also different. Some children have rashes when they eat fish and shrimp, and some children's lips swell when they touch the pineapple. In recent years, there have been frequent cases of wheat allergy, and the allergic symptoms often appear very serious.

  Food allergies can not only cause rashes, abdominal pain, bloody stools and other manifestations, but also cause various clinical diseases, severe anaphylactic shock, and life-threatening if the rescue is not timely. "Some parents may feel that once they are allergic to a certain type of food, they can no longer eat it. In fact, they still have to look at specific issues and pay more attention in life." Xiong Jianxin reminded parents that if they find a clear allergen when they are very young , Then you need to pay special attention to the diet, and you must carefully check the ingredients of the food before eating; allergies do not necessarily mean that you can not eat, some children can undergo desensitization treatment, under the guidance of a doctor, you can eat less and observe the situation After gradually increasing the intake of allergic foods, let the body adapt slowly, so as to achieve the effect of desensitization; allergies are essentially an abnormal immune response, which is closely related to the function of the own immune system. Therefore, you can change your lifestyle and exercise The body, adjust the mentality and other ways to improve immune function. Once your child has an allergy, you should go to a professional hospital in time for regular treatment. (Finish)