Catherine Trautmann, PS candidate for municipal elections, in the Neuhof district of Strasbourg on June 08, 2020. - G. Varela / 20 Minutes

  • In the parking lot of a supermarket in the priority district of Neuhof, Catherine Trautmann, the socialist candidate for mayor of Strasbourg, highlighted the priorities of her program turned towards the economic, social, environmental and mobility challenges that lie ahead.

If the cathedral square was chosen by the candidate LREM Alain Fontanel and his Republican ally Jean-Philippe Vetter to present the broad outlines of their program, it was at the heart of the priority district of Neuhof that the socialist Cathrerine Trautmann revealed her this Monday. A project that she ensures "clear and consistent. With this first post-containment image battle, the campaign for the second round of municipal elections is undoubtedly well (re) launched.

Catherine Trautmann therefore presented her priorities in the parking lot of a supermarket which "knew how to show solidarity during the health crisis, faced with a poor population". Not that the candidate is disinterested, she assures her, of the Strasbourg island ellipse, but above all because she wants to address those who "have experienced painfully confinement and are heavily impacted by the end of the health crisis . Housing that is too small for large families, "not much to do" within the authorized perimeter, "confinement was hard to maintain", she underlines.

The challenges

Priority in this exit from the health crisis is therefore given by the Strasbourg PS to “the emerging social challenges, inseparable from economic and innovation challenges”, by promoting recovery through demand. All while "always reconciling economic issues and ecological transition".

Priority to employment because 10,000 of them would be "potentially threatened in the Strasbourg basin", says the elected official. A task that Catherine Trautmann promises to tackle from June 29. Also fight “against fuel poverty”, respond to the problems of social housing and insecurity. Priority also to culture by relaunching the funding of creation, but above all by strengthening its access to the greatest number. Mobility, finally, because the question is large and difficult: to facilitate mobility credit, priority for the transformation of the A35, for a pollution-free avenue on the Rhine, revision of the timetable for the EPZ [low-emission zone], parking… These are all subjects that promise a busy second municipal round.


Municipales 2020 in Strasbourg: Clash, poker move, alliance, the second round has three candidates


Municipal 2020 in Strasbourg: The date of the second round of municipal does not delight candidates

  • Video
  • Coronavirus
  • Strasbourg
  • Socialist
  • District
  • Elections