Between 1988 and 2012, Sonny Björk was responsible for the forensic investigations in the investigation into the murder of Olof Palme. Today, he is retired from the police, but criminal defense lawyers still employ him as a technical expert. Early on, he realized that the Palme investigation would be difficult.

- The technical evidence is pretty scarce here. You basically only have two bullets and so we have the shooting directions, we don't have much more, says Sonny Björk.

Damaged bullets

During Sonny Björk's time in the investigation, over 400 weapons were tested in the hunt for Olof Palme's murderer, but without the man was able to find the murder weapon. But the weapons track is still central to the investigation.

- It is clear that this is an absolutely crucial part. The bullets plus the weapon then, if it had been possible to deduce a weapon to the bullets then you would have at least had a weapon to work with from the outside, says Sonny Björk.

The two palm bullets found on Sveavägen are in poor condition and the question is whether the bullets can be tied to a weapon during a test shooting.

- One bullet is more damaged than the other and I've examined them, so I see that there are traces from the gun barrel on them that you can use to make a comparison. If a definitive identification of a weapon is sufficient, you may not say until you have a weapon to compare with.

"A trauma"

Sonny Björk believes that the solution to the Palm murder was within reach, but when the police chief with Hans Holmer at the head took over the investigation of the murder, a number of errors were committed.

- Sometimes I have a feeling that if you had done it according to the "murder Bible", then worked as you would in connection with a murder and driven this as a normal murder case with skilled investigators from the murder commission on the National Crime and Violence Root in Stockholm, so I am no stranger to having solved the murder, says Sonny Björk.

Chief Prosecutor Krister Peterson has said that during the first half of this year, he will prosecute someone or also shut down the preliminary investigation into the murder of Olof Palme.

- If one can come to a solution that is widely accepted, then it has an immense importance. It is a trauma that lies over Sweden that this was not resolved, says Sonny Björk.