George Floyd, whose death has caused worldwide outrage, will be buried Tuesday in Houston. His uncle, Roger Floyd, spoke, before his funeral, to express his hope that the "sacrifice" of his nephew could "make things happen".


"I hope that the sacrifice of my nephew will make things happen." Roger Floyd, George Floyd's paternal uncle, has arrived in Houston for his nephew's funeral to be held tomorrow. With his features drawn, accompanied by 15 members of his family, he wants to ensure that the death of his "gentle giant", as he calls him, will be a turning point for black people in the United States. Europe 1 was able to meet him. 

"There is systemic racism" in the United States

"I will do everything in my power, with this platform that is given to me, to make a real change," says Roger Floyd. Referring to the many demonstrations caused by the death of his nephew, he said "so glad to see the indignation of the nation, and the whole world. It gives me hope and I firmly believe that we must take advantage of this moment to demand this change. "

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According to him, "we must put pressure on our leaders, not our current ones unfortunately". "There is systemic racism, and we have to make a difference," he continues as his voice breaks. A necessary change, "because otherwise we will have the same story next week, next month, next year, and we will have this conversation again". And Roger Floyd will say all that to Joe Biden, the ex-vice president, and Democratic candidate for the White House, who will make the trip this Monday to Houston for the start of the ceremonies.