The highest average salary for the indicated period of the year was recorded in Chukotka - 109.1 thousand rubles.

Next come the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District (101.5 thousand rubles), Moscow (95.5 thousand rubles), the Magadan Region (89.5 thousand rubles) and Sakhalin (89.4 thousand rubles).

According to the Federal State Statistics Service, the lowest average salary for January - March 2020 was received by residents of the Ivanovo region (27 thousand rubles), Dagestan (27.2 thousand rubles), Kabardino-Balkaria (27.5 thousand rubles), and Altai Territory (27.6 thousand rubles) and Karachay-Cherkessia (27.6 thousand rubles).

In general, in all regions, the average salary in Russia for the first quarter of this year amounted to 48.3 thousand rubles.

Earlier, analysts found out in which industries offered the highest salaries in the country in May 2020.

So, one of the highest salaries is offered in the field of logistics and work in the warehouse - an average of up to 155 thousand rubles.