"The experiences and stimuli that the brain receives in the early stages of life determine the formation of biological pathways that not only affect learning and behavior, but also your general health throughout your life." According to the American pediatrician at the National University, Vladimir Muñoz.

Brain health is intended to enable the child to achieve the emotional and developmental stages appropriate for his age, so it is important to stimulate the health of your child's brain. The brain works throughout the day, and it needs stimulation to develop, according to the US Stap To Health website.

Consequently, it can be said that maintaining your brain's health is necessary for your child, to learn social skills and to properly respond to learning requirements.

Here are some ideas and mind exercises that allow you to stimulate your child's brain lobes through physical and mental activities.

Drawing is a simple and fun exercise that promotes fine motor skills and learning to write (Getty Images)

1. Drawing in parallel

Your son learned to draw with two pencil, by holding one pen in each hand. This exercise is to ask the child to use two pens to draw them simultaneously on the same paper so that he can make different movements simultaneously. This simple and fun exercise will enhance fine motor skills and learn to write.

2. Crossover crawl

This game is to improve coordination and stimulate the brain through vision and motor learning. The game is based on moving the child's right leg and left hand at the same time and crawling like a small child, then the experiment is repeated by changing the leg and arm.

3. Exercises to strengthen memory

Memory games are especially fun when practiced by all family members, and they can help kids stimulate their brains.

"Puzzle" puzzle game that enhances children's mental abilities, such as logical thinking and concentration (Bixaby)

4- The jigsaw puzzle

The aim of the puzzle game "Puzzle" is to create a complete picture of small pieces, which would enhance children's mental capabilities such as logical thinking and focus.

5- Sudoku

Older children can use the help of an adult to solve the Sudoku game, "solving puzzles", the exercises of this game are excellent for enhancing focus, logical thinking and attention.

6- Drawing and reading

Drawing enhances creativity and is a way to express feelings as well. Read a book for your child and then ask him to draw a picture of what you are reading. This way, you will help him work on developing his creative energy and stimulating his memory and understanding while reading and expressing his feelings.

Playing a musical instrument stimulates your child's brain health (Getty Images)

7. Musical activities

Learning to play an instrument is a great activity to stimulate your child's brain health. For example, playing the piano requires knowing the musical notes he reads, comprehending them and translating them into manual movements that must be well coordinated so that the melody looks harmonious.

8. Playing clay

The modeling clay is an excellent option for stimulating fine motor skills, while harmonizing hand and eye movement. Therefore, you can play with your child to make all kinds of animals, and even link the game to a story that you have read to work on understanding while reading and embodying the story.

Modeling clay is an excellent option to stimulate fine motor skills as it works to coordinate hand and eye movement (Getty Images)

Other tips for stimulating the brain

Stap to Health has made it clear that mental exercise is not the only way to stimulate your child's brain health. It is very important that you do the following:

1. Talk to babies until newborns

Talking to your child from a young age helps him develop comprehension skills while understanding his mother tongue and cultural components.

2. Avoid exposing them to stress for long periods

It has been shown that exposing children to prolonged periods of stress would affect their cognitive development.

3. Read stories with your children

Since reading aloud is an essential activity to stimulate social skills and language development.

4. Look at your children

Optical communication helps them develop emotional relationships and learn social behavior.

5. Embrace your children

Physical contact is necessary to promote social and emotional development.

6. Encourage your children to love sports

Outdoor physical activities help your children develop both their motor and social emotions and skills.