• Coronavirus, Spallanzani: 24 positive. In Lazio 28 cases: outbreak at San Raffaele Pisana


by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea 07 June 2020The San Raffaele Institute of Scientific Hospitalization and Care (Irccs) in Rome, based in Pisana, with a press release, in relation to the news on the origin of the infection of some patients and operators defends itself denying "that the actual origin has been ascertained and in particular that their operators have been the cause of the spread of the virus within the facility as the epidemiological investigation is still underway to which the Health Department is giving the utmost collaboration ".

"While not intending to descend into sterile and useless controversy and instrumental juxtapositions - writes San Raffaele alla Pisana (west of the capital) - he reiterates that, contrary to what is reported in regional communications, from the data held by the structure and made available to the ASL there seems to be an origin deriving from the sending of already positive patients by some hospital units as it appears possible also from the in-depth analyzes that would have been arranged by the Local Health Authority towards these units. Any misleading and media conclusion therefore appears completely premature, pretentious and misleading Finally, as regards the citation in the press releases and regional declarations regarding the alleged " negligence " of the structure, it is again specified that on the contrary all national and regional provisions issued for the purpose of protecting patients and operators from the risk of contagion have been scrupulously respected and applied. Covid 19. Of such mi sure strictly respected, full factual and documentary evidence has already been provided to Asl RM 3. The IRCCS San Raffaele of Rome is therefore confident that the ongoing epidemiological investigation and to which it fully collaborates will be able to demonstrate the correctness of the Institute's work , thus denying these generic and unproven regional claims widely reported by all media with full reservation of protection in every location of the image and honor of the Institute and its operators to whom the most heartfelt thanks for the self-sacrifice and the spirit of service and sacrifice shown so far ", concludes the note.

Coronavirus positive cases are currently 35 and the Lazio Region Health Councilor , Alessio D'Amato , specified that: "About 700 swabs were made between patients, operators and external subjects. We are awaiting the outcome of the last tampons ". Two thousand tampons to be carried out are expected and councilor D'Amato also said that: "There will be an investigation to clarify".  Part of ' ASL RM3 states: "At the moment it is likely that the case of the outbreak index at the IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana is referable to some operators of the structure, because, according to the Regional Order of April 18, 2020, patients allowed in the structure, in addition to being subjected to adequate spacing and the use of personal protective equipment, must be placed in precautionary isolation for 14 days ". This is what explains the extraordinary commissioner of the ASL Roma 3 , Giuseppe Quintavalle . "However - adds Quintavalle - ASL Roma 3, through the Prevention Department and the Health Department and in collaboration with Seresmi, awaits the conclusions of the epidemiological investigation". At present the structure is isolated. It is the ASL that authorizes the entrances and exits from the Institute, while to reinforce the sanitary cordon, decided by the Region and the Prefecture, there are not only the police cars but also the Army.