<Anchor> In the

United States, protests have continued to protest the death of black men due to the harsh acts of white police officers. On the weekend, the largest peace protests were held with tens of thousands of people across the country.

This is a report from Jung Joon-hyung.


Protesters are packed in the center of Washington, the capital of the United States.

More than 6,000 protesters, estimated by the police, urged the government to stop racial discrimination in front of the White House and other major government agencies, including the Houses of Parliament.

In major cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago, more than thousands of citizens participated in the protests.

[Citizens participating in the protests: It may sound extreme, but as a black man, you can die if you wake up every morning. Black women, in particular, are racially discriminated against. We are fighting double discrimination.] The

protests were held in a free and peaceful atmosphere without much conflict.

Protesters danced along the streets and in the streets, along with exciting music.

Nighttime curfew is being lifted as violence continues and peace protests continue.

There have been protests against racism in the UK, France and Australia and around the world.

The second memorial service was held in Leopard, North Carolina, where George Floyd, who was killed by a white police officer, was killed.