US Secretary of State blames China for exploiting protests June 7, 6:07

U.S. Secretary of State Pompei issued a statement accusing the Democratic protest against racism in the country of abuse by the Communist Party to justify its own powerful regime that suppresses human rights and freedoms. did.

On a large-scale demonstration protesting the death of a black man in the United States, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said the US government would beautify protests in Hong Kong while He insisted that he was considering dispatching and was trying to suppress it, and criticized it as a "double standard."

In addition, China's state-owned media has reportedly protested in the United States and criticized the US, which supports protests in Hong Kong, as a double standard.

Meanwhile, Secretary of State Pompeio said in a statement yesterday that the Chinese Communist Party is trying to justify its opposition by abusing the tragic death of a black man.

On top of that, China does not recognize peaceful protests in Hong Kong or Tiananmen, nor does it have the freedom to report or express the demonstrations, but points out that the systems of the two countries differ greatly as they are recognized in the United States.

"It should be regarded as a fraudulent act to promote the Communist Party's actions that reject basic human rights and freedoms as the actions of the US government," he said.

However, in the United States, there is an ironic opinion that President Trump's hard-line attitude that he will not give up on the entry of the federal army is "a powerful attitude like China."