Last weekend, the US space program resumed its flights and launched its first manned space capsule, a new achievement adding to a series of successes in the conquest of outer space. But mankind faces on planet earth challenges that may blow its dreams, and possibly threaten the future of its existence in this universe.

In his article published by the New York Times, the author, Dennis Overbee, said that the launch of the manned missile to the International Space Station, which was considered the beginning of a new era in space exploration, cannot obscure the terrifying facts that intellectuals have been talking about for years.

Optimists look to the future with dreamy eyes, in light of the talk about the possibility of living on the moon, access to Mars, and the spread of space tourism on a large scale. But the author finds that this delightful talk about the conquest of space coincides with disturbing news about the future of mankind on the planet.

In the week before the Falcon 9 missile was launched, the number of deaths from the Corona virus in the United States exceeded 100,000.

According to the author, the failure to deal with this crisis, which was manifested in the growth of unemployment rates on a large scale and the deepening of social inequalities, fueled the protests that swept many American cities over the weekend.

The writer considered that there is no doubt that the spread of the Corona virus is a harbinger of what proves what many thinkers have gone that the universe sends messages to the human race foretell of the difficulty of its continued existence, and the realization of its dreams to explore other intelligent species in this universe.

The future of humanity

In 1998, Robin Hanson, a professor of economics at George Mason University, questioned the fact that there were sane creatures somewhere in the universe, saying, "If there really is, as astronomers and cosmologists claim, why haven't billions of years been overlooked by any being to greet?" ".

I ask, can viruses disrupt our plans to invade outer space? Dr. Anthony Fossey and Tom Hanks consider the current epidemic not the end, but rather a rehearsal (rehearsal) of the future.

In his book "Our Last Hour ... A Scientist's Warning: How Terrorism, Evil and Environmental Disasters Threaten the Future of Mankind during the Present Century on Earth and Outside", Martin Reese, a cosmologist at Cambridge University and co-founder of the Center for Existential Risk Study, presents his vision of the future of the human race and how its end could be .

The author quotes Dr. Reese as commenting on the recent Corona virus crisis: "These global epidemics are an intractable problem. Obviously, if we better understand viruses, we can develop vaccines."

"But the downside is that it presents an opportunity to spread dangerous scientific data that deviants may exploit to make viruses more dangerous and contagious than they are in nature."

Life span of civilizations

The writer notes that one of the most prominent problems posed by Dr. Reis and other thinkers is the extent of human development and the possibility of its continuation.

Which directs us directly to the famous "Drake Equation" which is used to estimate the number of active extraterrestrial civilizations capable of communicating in the Milky Way. This equation, developed by American astronomer Frank Drake, provides a lifetime for all technologically advanced civilizations.

According to the writer, regardless of the way planets form, the way life arises to them and the evolution of the species that inhabit them, the ability of these intelligent species to survive is the only way to make them discover other species.

And if humanity continues to search and explore, it may find such objects, although this is not guaranteed.

The writer explained that despite the pessimistic theories put forward by a number of thinkers, such as Dr. Henson, about the fading of smart civilizations after they reached the peak of progress, the human race can still continue and develop.

Trust the victory 

Last March, when the epidemic caused the closure of a laboratory in Italy, and physics professor Cristiano Gallapiatee was conducting some experiments on dark matter, Galpatti went to Milan to stay with his family.

There he discovered a significant shortage of respirators used to treat serious cases of people with coronavirus, and noticed that the devices were very expensive.

Mostly, a group of particle physicists gathered to design an effective and inexpensive respirator, and a month later the device was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.

"We know that the virus, as some say, is spreading at the speed of planes ... but our research is moving at the speed of light, and this gives me confidence that we will win," commented Galbiati.