
07 June 2020 Four people died in a frontal road accident in the province of Bologna, between San Giovanni in Persiceto and Crevalcore. They are three foreign men and an eight-year-old girl. Two other people were seriously injured. It happened around 10 pm near Amola: a collision between two cars that involved a third.

The three adults who died in the frontal accident in the province of Bologna are three Tunisians, residing in Nonantola (Modena). They were aboard a Peugeot, while the girl was from Crevalcore and was in the car with her father, seriously injured.

The other injured person is a customer of a bar against which the cars ended up after the impact, near the hamlet of Amola. From a first reconstruction it seems that the three foreigners had spent the evening in that bar and had just gone out and got into the car.