Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk called for the dismantling of Amazon after a social media author complained about his inability to publish his book through the world's largest online retailer.

Musk's tweet came after writer Alex Pearson published a tweet in which he showed that Amazon had not accepted his new book on the Corona virus, because it did not comply with its selling guidelines.

Burnson was a critic of the closure imposed by the virus, and said he believed the risk of the disease was much lower than reported, especially for young people.

"This is crazy, Jeff Bezos," Musk said in his first tweet, and then followed her on with another tweet in which he said, "It's time to dismantle Amazon. Absolute monopolies are wrong."

Both men, Musk and Bezos, are wealthy men who oversee competing private space exploration companies, as well as their duties in Tesla and Amazon.

Time to break up Amazon. Monopolies are wrong!

- Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 4, 2020

As for Amazon, it said later, that the book was removed by mistake, it was returned, and added that it had contacted Berninson, and confirmed that the decision to allow the sale of the book was not due to Mask's tweets.

For his part, writer Bernson tweeted, after Amazon decided to agree to sell the book, saying: "Thanks to Elon Musk and everyone who helped."

Musk has been a leading critic of US government policy during the coronary pandemic. He has posted tweets expressing his support for the country's reopening, and during calls to Tesla to investors, Musk said: The orders to stay at home are fascist.

Tesla's president, who said earlier this month that he will take a breather from Twitter, has a history of controversial comments on social media platforms.

A tweet in 2018 about getting funding to make Tesla a private company led to a lawsuit against him by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, which the parties later settled. He also criticized restrictions on building shelters in homes to limit the spread of the Coruna virus as well.