An army aviation brigade of the 76th Army did not lose its "ground effort"

  Our correspondent Wu Xiaofeng reported: In the early summer, an army aviation brigade of the 76th Army organized training courses for coaches on military topography, combat shooting, and military fitness. It is worth mentioning that many of the "Martial Education Heads" in this training were pilots who could fly the plane to win the "one tree high". Since the beginning of this year, the brigade has focused on actual combat to guide flight crews to fill in shortcomings in their abilities and qualities, and to improve actual combat skills. Flight crews' hard training on ground courses is one of the epitomes.

  At the beginning of this year, the brigade found in training supervision that part of the flight crew’s ground course training was weakened. Some flight crews were only satisfied with passing the test when they participated in military topography training and lacked actual combat awareness. In this regard, the brigade party committee reached a consensus at the training session: in future operations, the Army Aviation Force is facing a three-dimensional air-ground battlefield. As an Air Force flight crew, it is necessary to practice flight skills and improve ground combat capabilities.

  In order to train the "ground kung fu" of strong flying personnel, the brigade invited a special combat brigade to train the team to carry out actual combat teaching and train ground combat course coaches in accordance with the principle of training the trainers first. At the same time, they vigorously carry out air-ground collaborative training, guide pilots to use the ground combat knowledge they have learned, and plan to organize air tactical flight training closely to the ground forces’ combat needs, and develop a flight teaching backbone that understands training and can organize training in the combination of learning and use And professional talent.

  Not only winged up on the blue sky, but also practiced on the ground. Since the intensification of ground combat training, the brigade's flight personnel have significantly increased their awareness of actual combat when they want to determine the combat situation, determine the enemy situation, and study the combat terrain before flight training. "Being able to take off by air and fight on the ground" is becoming a new benchmark for the brigade's ability and quality.