
President Trump, who needs to calm down the protest and come up with a solution, visited the church yesterday (2nd) and the Catholic Holy Land today. It is an analysis of the behavior of political intentions aimed at the presidential election. Among these, the organization's SNS account that Trump claimed to be behind the protests was confirmed to be fake.

This is Kim Young-ah.


President Trump, who pushed the protesters to tear gas yesterday and made his way to church, visited the Catholic Holy Land today.

I took a commemorative photo after silently in front of the statue of Pope John Paul II, who emphasized peace.

The protests have spread across the United States, but they seem to be aiming at the consolidation of Christians' conservative supporters, and the image of a powerful man who doesn't even dream.

The Catholic Church rebelled that President Trump "misused and manipulated" the religious site for the sake of division.

[Trump/US President (last day 1): Anarchists, mobsters, arsonists, predators, and'antipas' dominate the whole country.

' The fact of'Pa' also became more ambiguous.

President Trump said the radical group, "Antipa", is accelerating violent protests and will be designated as a terrorist organization.

Twitter's confirmation revealed that the'antipa' account was created by a white-right, far-right group and manipulated as if Antipa was leading the protests.

Criticism is pouring into President Trump's side-walking campaign, which calls the protesters protesting racism as garbage and pushes it to the extreme left.

(Video editing: Lee Seung-yeol)