
June 03, 2020 "I just learned that the eviction was ordered from Via Napoleone III to Casapound. We have been working on it for a long time, finally the legality is restored. @Virginiaraggi". The Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance, Laura Castelli writes it in a tweet. 

The mayor of the capital also spoke on the notification given to the occupants of the building in the Esquilino district of Rome: "Finally something is moving on the eviction of the building illegally occupied by Casapound in the center of Rome. Let's restore legality", writes Virginia Raggi in a tweet. 

In recent days, Raggi had sent two letters to the Minister of Defense, Lorenzo Guerini, and to that of the Economy, Roberto Gualtieri, asking for the eviction of two abusive occupations of Casapound Italia. It was precisely the "historic" seat of via Napoleone III, in the heart of the Esquilino district, and a new occupation of a building complex in Ostia, in via delle Baleniere, managed by an association supported by Casapound Italia.

The mayor had asked the Ministry of Economy, owner of the building in Esquilino, for information on the process of clearing the property "illegally occupied for 15 years". In Guerini the first town asked "to restore legality in the Ostia properties" owned by the Air Force.

"There was only one meeting on the request for eviction" of the Casapound headquarters in via Napoleone III, said the Roman director of the far-right movement, Davide Di Stefano, after Laura Castelli said that the eviction of the occupied building. The meeting took place at the police headquarters and a representation of Casapound took part.