Compulsory school The Jändjö school in Jämjö is to be expanded and the building plans have been moved forward more than once. The reason has been that the previous budget has been considered too small.

But today, the Municipal Board in Karlskrona decided to increase the budget for the building by SEK 40.5 million, which will be taken from the municipal government's reserve budget, Sydöstran writes.

The idea is to discontinue Jämjö Church School's operations in their current premises and move classes F-3 to an expanded Jändelskola, to gather all of Jämjö's school operations in the same place.

"When the school moves from the center of Jämjö, we can develop that site with new housing," says Börje Dovstad (L), municipal council to the newspaper.

With, among other things, new classrooms and larger dining rooms, the plan is for the building to be ready this year and, as the South East told earlier today, the final note is expected to be SEK 81 million.